Yes! All of our shuttles can accommodate bikes (for rising 4th graders and up) and scooters (all children).


  • Our Hollymead shuttle can accommodate bikes and scooters on Monday and Tuesday. Campers who choose to bring a bike or scooter and have a last name beginning with A-L may bring them on Monday while those with the last names M-Z may bring them on Tuesday. This schedule ensures there is enough space on the shuttles to accommodate everyone and their gear! 


  • Our Meriwether Lewis, UVA and Pantops shuttles can accommodate all bikes and scooters on 


Note that we will not begin All Stars (rising 4th graders and up) biking activities until Tuesday, to ensure that everyone who wants to can participate. For convenience, all bikes and scooters may remain on campus at Blue Ridge or Miller for the duration of the camp week.